STANTON/ DENCH Family History
Enquiries to Neil Stanton
Family Tree for : (878) Frederick Thomas ARNOLD Frederick is related to the extended STANTON family.
  Click on any person to view that person as centre of tree. Details of known events for the person are listed below.
**New Right click on any person and choose Ancestors or Descendants to view summary of preceding/ succeeding 5 generations.
Persons marked * are direct ancestors/ descendants of "the cousins".
Generation (relative to Frederick Thomas ARNOLD)  
b: c.1881
d: nk
Spouse/ Partner
b: 1885
d: nk
b: c1905
d: nk
b: 1907
d: 1907
b: 1908
d: nk
b: 1910
d: nk
b: 1913
d: nk
b: 1916
d: nk
b: 1916
d: nk
b: 1918
d: nk
b: 1919
d: nk
b: 1922
d: nk
b: 1923
d: nk
  Click on any person to view that person as centre of tree. Details of known events for the person are listed below.
**New Right click on any person and choose Ancestors or Descendants to view summary of preceding/ succeeding 5 generations.
Persons marked * are direct ancestors/ descendants of "the cousins".
Frederick Thomas ARNOLD - 5 Generation OR
Known Events for 878 : Frederick Thomas ARNOLD
Event Date Details dob Source Where Born Age Occupation Address Ref
marriage 25 Dec 1904 marriage: Lydia Jane DENCH to Frederick Thomas ARNOLD
Frederick Thomas
c1881 Parish Records   23 Lighterman Grosvenor Rd.
marriage 1904 marriage: Lydia Jane DENCH to Frederick Thomas ARNOLD
Frederick Thomas
other 27 Apr 1905 christening: Charles Frederick ARNOLD
Frederick Thomas [ father ]
  Parish Records     Waterman + Lighterman 17 Church St.
childbirth 1907 birth: James ARNOLD.
[ father ]
other 1907 death: James ARNOLD
[ father ] death of son
childbirth 1908 birth: Arthur Wilfred ARNOLD.
[ father ]
childbirth 1910 birth: Winifred ARNOLD.
[ father ]
census 1911 census: Lydia Jane - With Fred + 3
Frederick Thomas [ married - head ]
c1881 1911 Census Twickenham MDX 26 Waterman And Lighterman 66 College Road Colliers Wood LON SW
childbirth 1913 birth: Phyllis ARNOLD.
[ father ]
childbirth 1916 birth: Rose L ARNOLD.
[ father ]
childbirth 1918 birth: Ada E ARNOLD.
[ father ]
childbirth 1919 birth: Irene ARNOLD. (mother`s maiden name DENCH)
[ father ]
childbirth 1922 birth: Leslie T ARNOLD.
[ father ]
childbirth 1923 birth: Ernest E ARNOLD.
[ father ]
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