STANTON Family History
Enquiries to Neil Stanton
Family Tree for : (16496) Alice ARNOLD Alice is connected to the extended STANTON family.
However Alice is NOT a (blood) relation to the STANTON family and is recorded for interest or information only. Details may be incomplete.
  Click on any person to view that person as centre of tree. Details of known events for the person are listed below.
**New Right click on any person and choose Ancestors or Descendants to view summary of preceding/ succeeding 5 generations.
Persons marked * are direct ancestors/ descendants of "the cousins".
Generation (relative to Alice ARNOLD)  
b: c1819
d: nk
b: c1815
d: nk
b: c1846
d: nk
b: c1848
d: nk
b: c1852
d: nk
b: c1853
d: nk
m: James GROVES
6 children
  Click on any person to view that person as centre of tree. Details of known events for the person are listed below.
**New Right click on any person and choose Ancestors or Descendants to view summary of preceding/ succeeding 5 generations.
Persons marked * are direct ancestors/ descendants of "the cousins".
Alice ARNOLD - 5 Generation OR
Known Events for 16496 : Alice ARNOLD
Alice ARNOLD is NOT related to the `cousins`, recorded for interest or clarity only (details may be incomplete).
Event Date Details dob Source Where Born Age Occupation Address Ref
census 1861 census: Eliza ARNOLD with parents & siblings
Alice [ Daughter ]
c1852 1861 Census Bury, Suffolk 8 Scholar 4, Maynewater Lane, St Mary, Bury St Edmunds
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