STANTON/ BUTCHER[2] Family History
Enquiries to Neil Stanton
Family Tree for : (1254) Emma Jane ( PERRIN ) BUTCHER Emma is related to the extended STANTON family.
  Click on any person to view that person as centre of tree. Details of known events for the person are listed below.
**New Right click on any person and choose Ancestors or Descendants to view summary of preceding/ succeeding 5 generations.
Persons marked * are direct ancestors/ descendants of "the cousins".
Generation (relative to Emma Jane ( PERRIN ) BUTCHER)  
b: c1832
d: nk
b: c1832
d: bef 1869
b: Q.Sep 1858
d: nk
b: c.1860
d: nk
b: cQ.Mar 1860
d: nk
b: Q.Dec 1862
d: nk
Spouse/ Partner  
b: 1858
d: nk
b: 1886
d: nk
b: Q.Jun 1888
d: Q.Jun 1888
b: c1890
d: nk
b: 1891
d: nk
b: 1897
d: nk
m: Alfred KIRK
2 children
4 children
  Click on any person to view that person as centre of tree. Details of known events for the person are listed below.
**New Right click on any person and choose Ancestors or Descendants to view summary of preceding/ succeeding 5 generations.
Persons marked * are direct ancestors/ descendants of "the cousins".
Emma Jane ( PERRIN ) BUTCHER - 5 Generation OR
Known Events for 1254 : Emma Jane ( PERRIN ) BUTCHER
Event Date Details dob Source Where Born Age Occupation Address Ref
birth Q.Mar 1861 birth: Emma Jane PERRIN mother`s maiden name= KETNOR
Emma Jane
census 1861 census: Lucy PERRIN with parents & siblings
Emma [ Daughter ]
1861 1861 Census Kilburn, Middlesex 1m   Devonshire Arms Edgware Road, Hampstead,
census 1871 census: Emma Jane PERRIN with mother, step father & siblings
Jane [ Step-daughter ]
c1860 1871 Census Kilburn, Middlesex 10 Scholar Sefton Road, Putney, London
census 1881 census: Emma Jane PERRIN with mother, sister & step father
Jane [ single - Step Daughter ]
c1860 1881 Census Kilburn, Middlesex 20 Laundress 10 Nassau Terrace, Sefton Street Putney,
marriage 1885 marriage: John James BUTCHER to Emma Jane PERRIN
Emma Jane
childbirth 1886 birth: Jennie BUTCHER -Mother`s Maiden Name= PERRIN
[ mother ]
childbirth Q.Jun 1888 birth: Alfred John BUTCHER mother's maiden name= PERRIN
[ mother ]
other Q.Jun 1888 death: Alfred John BUTCHER
death of son
childbirth Q.Mar 1890 birth: Elizabeth BUTCHER mother`s maiden name= PERRIN
[ mother ]
census 1891 census: John BUTCHER with Jane + 2 +mother in law
`Jane` [ married - wife ]
c1860 1891 Census Hampstead MDX 30   10 Nassau Ter. Sefton St. Putney LND
childbirth 1891 birth: Mary BUTCHER. -Mother`s Maiden Name= PERRIN
[ mother ]
childbirth 1897 birth: William James BUTCHER -Mother`s Maiden Name= PERRIN
[ mother ]
census 1901 census: John BUTCHER with Jane + 4 + bro in law +nephew?
Emma J [ married - wife ]
c1860 1901 Census Kilburn MDX 40   58 Sefton St. Putney LND
census 1911 census: John BUTCHER with Emma + 3
Emma J [ married - wife ] - 6 children 2 died.
c1860 1911 Census Kilburn MDX 50   58 Sefton St. Putney LND
1911stats   1911stats: Emma Jane BUTCHER
Married 25 years, 6 children, 4 alive, 2 have died.
(only 5,4,1 known)
  1911 Census          
census 1921 census: John James BUTCHER with Emma +1 +Gson
Emma Jane [ married - Wife ]
c1860 1921 census Kilburn, Derbyshire 61y3m Home Duties 58 Sefton St, Putney, London
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