STANTON/ GWINN Family History
Enquiries to Neil Stanton
Home page for GWINN family details.
Known Direct GWINN Ancestors
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6x Great Grandparents 
mar: 8 Feb 1747
6x Great Grandparents 
mar: 7 Jul 1760
6x Great Grandparents 
5x Great Grandparents 
mar: 7 Dec 1780
5x Great Grandparents 
View details of all known GWINN family members:

William GWIN was a barbor and appears to have moved from Guildford to Ripley, he may have known the STANTON family via Edward (brother of 6x James) who was a barbor in Guildford at this time. Hannah was his second wife, all that is know about his first wife was that her name was Sarah.
Relationships between the STANTON, GWIN and PLEDGER families are complicated because two PLEDGER sisters (Ann and Sarah) married uncle and nephew (George GWINN, William's son, and James STANTON, William's grandson).

GWINN family Links/ Resources
Family Tree: GWINN / HARRISON   
Family Tree: STANTON Ancestors before 4x gt grandparents   
Family Tree: PLEDGER / AUSTIN / STOVOLD families   

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