STANTON/ WHEELER(Seale) Family History
Enquiries to Neil Stanton
Home page for WHEELER(Seale) family details.

The name WHEELER(Seale) is derived from:-  (English) Occupational name for a maker of wagon wheels.
This WHEELER family marry into the CHITTY family (who marry STANTONs)
Known Direct WHEELER(Seale) Ancestors
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4x Great Grandparents 
mar: 23 Apr 1792
4x Great Grandparents 
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Jane and Thomas were married in Worplesdon (Surrey). Thomas came from the nearby village of Seale, so it is likely that Jane (sometimes called Joan or Jean) came from Worplesdon. However there is no entry for her baptism in the Parish Registers there.

WHEELER(Seale) family Links/ Resources
Family Tree: CHITTY / TICE / WHEELER families   

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